Friday, October 26, 2007

Christmas preview


I wanted to post a quick note to let those of you who've been trying to leave comments on my blog know that you should be able to submit your comments by the end of the weekend - maybe sooner, but it all depends on when "my expert" (CHARLIE) can get to it. It involves html code and I don't have much luck when it comes to that kind of stuff. Thanks for caring enough to want to leave feedback though - I hope you'll check back and leave me some next week!
While I'm here I thought I'd post a couple Christmas card examples, goes! And yes, this is one of my sisters...can't ya tell, ha-ha! I have 4 Christmas sessions this weekend, so it will be busy around here!

All the best -

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Hi all! I have so many fun things going on right now and am excited to share but will hold off until everything actually materializes! In the meantime here are a few images of my guys, from a fun Halloween party we attended over the weekend - they crack me up!! This is my very favorite holiday, so you may see more images soon.
Oh - and a quick shout out to my good friend, Julie...a.k.a "Rocker Chic's Mom" - she just found out she's preggers with baby #3 and we are very happy for she and the rest of the family!

Monday, October 15, 2007

This is one of my favorite images from a session a couple months back!

I just had to show everyone one piece from the new jewelry line I'll be carrying, for all of my clients. I've partnered up with a great designer and she does amazing work!! Here is a sample of one of the items that's on it's way to me...can't wait to start wearing it!

PS - Morgan was gone to a football game with Daddy the day the boys and I took these so I'll have to get a piece made up of just him now too!

Sweet Dreams,

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Well, I didn't think I would be able to keep up with this blog daily and I was right, ha! Maybe when the Christmas rush is behind me and I have a little more time I can start posting on a more regular basis.

Above you'll find a few shots from some recent sessions. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Best -

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I think I'm getting the hang of this! Let me start by saying how busy I've been lately - WHEW! When I look back a year ago to when I was just trying to start getting my business going I never imagined being where I am now! Things have been happening so quickly and I honestly can't say I thought I'd be so busy. I thought I was going to have a small, part time business with a few clients here and when I wanted to...make a few extra bucks and do what I love second most to my family. Well, I got a bit more than I bargained for and this little part time job has become ALL CONSUMING! I have had MANY sleepless nights lately, trying to get all of my proofing caught up, placing orders, working on revisions for clients, story boards, Christmas cards, etc. Whoever thought (me!) owning your own business would be a walk in the park was/is soooo wrong! I am completely booked until the last weekend of this month and already have two sessions booked then. I've been working relentlessly on creating some branding/packaging items and I think I've finally found what
I need to get that up and running. I literally wake up in the middle of the night with ideas in my head of certain things I want to do and incorporate into my business. Now if I can somehow learn how to balance all of this with my family life I'll be set! But that's a lot harder than it sounds! Both C and my boys have been very supportive but I do occasionally get the little grimaces and moans when they see me loading up my car for another session or they get home from school and I'm on the computer. I'm trying my best to juggle it all but I can't say that my laundry, cleaning, meals, etc. haven't suffered...sorry guys!!!! Tonight I made some quick soup and grilled cheese sandwiches and of course felt guilty! I did manage to make some home made muffins for breakfast though. If anyone has any suggestions on how to better manage my life as a wife, mother and small business owner please let me know! Until next time... here are some images of a recent session.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Well, I'm finally trying out this blog thing...wish me luck! I hope I'll be able to find the time to post daily, but with all the proofing I've been doing lately I'm not sure that will happen. I'll try to post a few images from each session here on the blog - at least that's my plan. Let me know what you think and if anyone is out there reading this thing!!

Photographically yours,